YouTubers & QA & Quiz

Quiz: Name That Antihero!

It’s quiz time! Get your buzzers ready and let the tedium take you down an inescapable river! This week we’ve got antiheroes – my favourite archetype, of course. Where would we be without antiheroes? Still stuck with the typical, boring good guy? That would be sad. But luckily, cynical, immoral, sociopathic and cold hearted cowards […]

Quiz: Name That Antihero!

Klute: Character Study Or Detective Thriller?

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 8 out of 10. Klute was the first of the Pakula paranoid trilogy – The Parallax View came three years later, and All The Presidents Men five. So why have I done it in this perverse order? I’ll be asking the questions, young padawan! Really, it should be called Bree (Jane Fonda), because […]

Klute: Character Study Or Detective Thriller?

Moreish Mare of Easttown Proves You Can Have Too Much Of A Good Thing

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 7 out of 10. Well, this show has been all the rave recently, and in my typical fashion, I went into this one hoping that I’d be able to go against the tide and rip Mare of Easttown to pieces. Unfortunately, I won’t be doing that, but it’s not exactly a laudation either… […]

Moreish Mare of Easttown Proves You Can Have Too Much Of A Good Thing


Keller’s daughter goes missing and when he soon realises that the police are taking longer than he thought, he decides to take things into his own hands by going out to find his daughter’s kidnapper himself. However, his mental health begins to decline and so he starts doing things he will soon regret leading him […]

Prisoners – MOVIE REVIEW
Amazon Prime

Escape From Pretoria

Two white South African men are for fighting for equal civil rights. However, whilst trying to spread their message using leaflet bombs they are arrested and charged to 10 years in one of the countries most notorious prisons, Pretoria. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4.5 out of 5. Daniel Radcliffe stars Tim Jenkin in this one of a […]

Escape From Pretoria – MOVIE REVIEW

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