Movie Reviews

Thoroughly Unmodern Tillie

TILLIE’s PUNCTURED ROMANCE (1914) isn’t highly rated — but we should give Sennett some credit for jumping into the feature film racket with both flapshod feet, even when he could have had little idea of what a feature comedy would be like (nobody had made one). There’s also something poetically apt about Sennett co-directing with […]

Thoroughly Unmodern Tillie

Charlie as Chaplin or Chaplin as Charlie?

A weird one… I wrote about RECREATION already — this Keystone park film didn’t seem much different from a half-dozen others, and it survives in a form most uneven and considerably more ragged than most. As so often at Keystone, Chaplin makes valuable discoveries in one short (THE FACE ON THE BARROOM FLOOR) only to […]

The Sunday Intertitle: Charlie as Chaplin or Chaplin as Charlie?
Movie News

Netflix, Charlie Chaplin ve François Truffaut Gibi Önemli Yönetmenlerin Klasik Filmlerini Seçkisine Ekliyor

Fransa merkezli MK2 Films şirketiyle yeni bir anlaşma imzalayan Netflix; Charlie Chaplin, François Truffaut, Jacques Demy, Alain Resnais, Krzysztof Kieślowski gibi önemli yönetmenlerin klasik filmlerini seçkisine ekliyor. Dijital platform pazarında artan rekabetle birlikte daha da büyük önem kazanan lisanslı içerikler konusunda da önemli yatırımlar yapmaya devam eden Netflix, rotasını klasiklere çeviriyor ve sinefilleri sevindirecek yeni […]

Netflix, Charlie Chaplin ve François Truffaut Gibi Önemli Yönetmenlerin Klasik Filmlerini Seçkisine Ekliyor

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