
The French Dispatch (2021)

Title – The French Dispatch (2021)  Director – Wes Anderson (Bottle Rocket)  Cast – Bill Murray, Benicio Del Toro, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Jeffrey Wright, Timothee Chalamet, Owen Wilson  Plot – A collection of stories that form integral parts of an American newspaper set in a French city.  “All great beauties withhold their deepest secrets” Review […]

Film Review – The French Dispatch (2021)

The French Dispatch (2021), A Love-Letter to Journalism

One common recurrence you see on Twitter is people being shocked to learn that Wes Anderson was born and raised in Houston, Texas. This, no doubt, is because of the very European aesthetic that he conjures in his films, while this has certainly become more pronounced with his more recent films like The Grand Budapest […]

The French Dispatch (2021), A Love-Letter to Journalism

The French Dispatch: The Wes Anderson to End All Wes Andersons’

I was so excited to see this, better late than never! The Plot;The film is set within the universe of a fictional 20th-century magazine, based in a beautiful make-believe French city. We meet many characters who have many stories to tell, all of which make up the sections within the next issue of The French […]

The French Dispatch: The Wes Anderson to End All Wes Andersons’

The French Dispatch

Sometimes things just click: Cookies and milk, peanut butter and jelly, a burger and fries. Yet somehow it took this long to finally realize the commonalities and perfect pairing that is Wes Anderson and The New Yorker — it feels almost too perfect. They certainly share some sensibilities; call it an appreciation of the finer […]

The French Dispatch – Movie Review