Movie Reviews

The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)

Continuing the Frankenstein marathon, I promptly moved on to the fourth film in the series, The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942), a decent enough film, though it’s more than obvious that the story is starting to go off the rails just slightly. This is not only the first Frankenstein film without Boris Karloff involved in any […]

My Thoughts on: The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)

Movie Reviews


RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (1981) – GUN VERSUS SWORD! Directed by: Steven Spielberg Produced by: Frank Marshall Screenplay by: Lawrence Kasdan Story by: George Lucas, Philip Kaufman Cast: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm Elliott etc. Music by: John Williams Cinematography: Douglas Slocombe *** […]


Movie Reviews

Sweet Taste of Souls

Sweet Taste of Souls is about a group of friends who are on the way to perform a gig in their band when they come across a pie shop that is much stranger than it seems. On the way to the gig, one of the band members gets hungry and wants to stop in a small secluded town in the woods. Probably not the best idea but who would know that right?

Sweet Taste of Souls – #MovieReview

Movie Reviews

The Babadook – 2014

An insecure single mother and her erratic son read a random bedtime story for children and quickly find out the book has invited a third presence in their dark, lonely home. Claustrophobic, remorseless, and brutal even to the innocent, Australian Director Jennifer Kent’s expressionistic creation doesn’t let up. All places of comfort – a mother’s […]

Reely Bernie Horror Fest: The Babadook – 2014

Movie Reviews

Night of the Living Dead, The Amusement Park, The Crazies, Day of the Dead

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking. This October, we’ve been using 4 Shots from 4 Films to pay tribute […]

4 Shots From 4 George Romero Films: Night of the Living Dead, The Amusement Park, The Crazies, Day of the Dead

Movie Reviews

Dracula Part 2 (Netflix), Review by Case Wright

Happy Horrorthon! Dracula is saaaaaaailing, sailing takes me away to where I’ve always heard it could be and he’s eating every one the boaaaat. This episode was almost a bottle episode. Dracula REALLY wants to go to England. I love meat pies too; I can relate! Drac spends the episode eating …. EVERYONE!!! Dracula, Food […]

Dracula Part 2 (Netflix), Review by Case Wright

Movie Reviews

Avrupa’nın En İyi Yerlerinde Çekilmiş Olan 16 Film:

Pandemi günlerinde yolculuğa çıkmayı ve başka ülkelere gitmeyi özlüyoruz… Çoğumuzun seyahat planlarını süresiz olarak ertelediği şu dönemde güzel şehirleri görmenin yollarından biri hiç kuşkusuz film seyretmek… İşte Avrupa’nın en güzel şehirlerinde geçen 16 film! AMSTERDAM Aynı Yıldızın Altında (2014)(The Fault in Our Stars) Sürekli bir oksijen tüpüyle dolaşmak zorunda olan, çocukluğundan beri kanserle mücadele […]

Avrupa’nın En İyi Yerlerinde Çekilmiş Olan 16 Film:

Movie Reviews

You’ve Laughed at ‘Borat,’ Now Watch These Five Films from Kazakhstan

Sacha Baron Cohen’s outrageous 2006 comedy “Borat,” about a fictional Kazakhstani reporter traveling through United States, put the Central Asian nation in the consciousness of most Americans for the first time. Back then, Kazakhstan’s government had an understandable reaction to the comedian’s crude and stereotypical portrayal of the ex-Soviet republic. Now, 16 years later, with…

You’ve Laughed at ‘Borat,’ Now Watch These Five Films from Kazakhstan


Ammonite Review (BFI London Film Festival 2020)

It’s in a wind-battered 1840s Lyme Regis that we meet Kate Winslet’s Mary Anning. She plies her trade as a palaeontologist, recovering fossils on the shore of the Jurassic Coast, finding solace in her craft. Yet it’s a life of repression that she lives, from her ailing mother who watches her every move, and from […]

Ammonite Review (BFI London Film Festival 2020)


The Human Voice Review

Acclaimed director Pedro Almodóvar’s latest The Human Voice – a short but sharp film adaptation of the theatre production of the same name – hinges on its central performance. Lucky for him then that he has Tilda Swinton fronting this (almost) one-woman show. Because it’s Swinton’s whirlwind turn that really sells this off-kilter tale of […]

The Human Voice Review (BFI London Film Festival 2020)

Movie Reviews


Tutuklu olduğu cezaevinden kurtulmak için, deli taklidi yaparak akıl hastanesine yatırılan McMurphy’nin, hastanenin hemşiresi Ratched ile olan çatışmalarını anlatıyor. Filmin akışı, görüntüler ve verdiği duygular o kadar hissedilir şekildeydi ki; bazen heyecanlanıyor, bazen duygulanıyordum. Oldukça eğlenceli oluşu da cabası. Filmde McMurphy karakterinin ilerleyişi de oldukça etkiliydi. Umursamaz ve hastalarla alay ederek başlayan hikaye, onların bir […]



Korona Döneminde Festival Günleri

Geçtiğimiz hafta, başlıyor dediğimiz 31. Ankara Film Festivali, dün gece yapılan mütevazı kapanış töreni ile sona erdi. Bu sene festivalde, ister istemez filmlerden çok korona konuştuk. Festivali takip edenler, takip etmeyenler ya da edemeyenler, gelen konuklar ve jüriler, gelemeyen konuklar ve jüriler, salonların ne kadar kalabalık ve güvenli olduğu, hep konuşulan konular arasındaydı. Her film […]

Korona Döneminde Festival Günleri


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